Metriks Education Inc. specializes in the Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE), also known as the Functional Abilities Evaluation (FAE). We provide FCE Certrification training, Functional Capacity Evaluation software, and Functional Capacity Evaluation hardware.
Metriks Education Inc. specializes in the Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE), also known as the Functional Abilities Evaluation (FAE). We provide FCE Certrification training, Functional Capacity Evaluation software, and Functional Capacity Evaluation hardware.
State of the art and easy to use RAM Software for all of your testing and report writing needs to justify the 97750 coding compliance. Increase reimbursement and approvals with this all inclusive software, which collects data, and writes report. Now comes with 123REHAB Essentials Management System*-- Lifetime package price. Per use and yearly packages available.
What we value:
Vibration is a quicker, safer and more effective method of putting the human body in an ideal health state where it recovers and heals much quicker than other methods used by traditional health and wellness providers.
What we value:
Vibration is a quicker, safer and more effective method of putting the human body in an ideal health state where it recovers and heals much quicker than other methods used by traditional health and wellness providers.
SpineForce 3-D Rehab Exercise Technologyis the only technology in the world that has been designed to three dimensionally target and strengthen the 180 deep intraspinal stabilizer muscles of the back that support the spine. Pre-owned from 18,900.00
Imoove Fitness Therapie®Just introduced in the United States the Imoove is an interactive musculopostural three dimensional workout using a patented euspheric movement to treat a large number of osteo-muscular pathologie
Power Plate® Whole Body Vibration Technology-Pro 7is a 21st Century breakthrough technology designed by a group of leading physicians, physical therapists, and health professionals to help differentiate and diversify your practice or facility
Biospace Full Body Composition Analyzerprovides a precise measurement and guideline for "body composition" and "body fat percentage" to educate patients on the importance of reducing and controlling body fat rather than overall weight loss. Plus $295.00 shipping.
CardioCoach PLUS: VO2 Testing PLUS RMR Metacheck Metabolic Testingdelivers simple and accurate fitness testing. It measures key data including peak VO2, anaerobic threshold, and the precise amount of calories burned at all exercise heart rate levels. CardioCoach Basic-$4,995.00, Metacheck-$3,495.00, CardioCoach CO2-$9,995.00. Monitor/PC/Software-$750.00
The objective of the SpineTone is to recuperate and maintain a correct physiological posture of the trunk without voluntary action by acting primarily on the cerebellum and in part on the sub-cortical area of the brain. Connect with ART for pricing. WAVE - Whole Body Vibration Technology
Incorporate a technology that offers patients a fast dynamic workout using a virtual trainer, interactive touch-screen and pre-programmed protocols to guide and motivate them through their rehab/exercise routine. Connect with ART for pricing. |
Disclaimer- every attempt is made to have equipment available when ordering and prices updated regularly. Each manufacturer carry their own warranty, so please check for specifics and S&H will be added upon purchase. We are a secondary distributor and carry the savings onto you through the 5% Cash Back benefit upon satisfaction of transaction within 30 days.